About Me

My name is Beth Bowden. 2011-2012 is the beginning of my eleventh year!  I honestly can't believe it.  Here is a short history of my career...

2001 - 2007: I was at at K-2 school.  I taught 2nd grade all 6 years.  I really feel like that gave me the chance to really develop my skills in a critical area: teaching reading.  I was able to become familiar with the curriculum and expectations. I tried out different strategies and methods before settling into a good routine.  I was able to easily transfer that knowledge to my future situations.

2007 - 2009: I taught 3rd grade at a K-6 school.  The first year we grouped across the grade level for reading.  This was new for me and was the first challenge I'd faced in several years.  I wasn't able to use my knowledge about teaching reading in the same way... instead of having 4 or 5 groups, I had one huge group of low level kids.  There wasn't time to do small groups (and it wasn't part of the school culture either.)  The second year things changed and I kept my kids all day long.  I did more traditional reading groups and saw great results with EOG scores.

2009 - Present: I am teaching at a different K-6 school.  I did 2 years in 4th grade and have now moved to teaching 6th grade Reading.  I'm currently teaching a whole grade level of students.  This year, I have about 15 kids that are identified as Academically-Intellectually Gifted in Reading, Math, or both.  Another 6 are ELL.  I also have 8 EC (Spec. Ed) students.  We have a newly identified group of Tier 1 RTI students (about 20!) The rest of my students are your general, run of the mill, average kids.  There is almost a 2 to 1 ratio of girls to boys - that makes for some interesting classes!

The 2010-2011 school year was a really interesting one for me.  I have NEVER had a group quite like that one.  There were 13 AIG kids (out of 23.)  My boy/girl ratio was 9 to14.  What was interesting about this group, as a whole, was their pick-up and retention of information.  I could throw a concept out, give a brief explanation or demo, and let them run with it.  Much of my job this year felt like facilitating and uncovering what they already knew... and I LOVED it.  It was so fun to see what they could do!

I'm excited to find new ways to incorporate technology into my classroom.  I thrilled to be developing a personal learning network of like minded teachers - there are some super teachers in my school, but it gets a little old to see eye rolling and hear, "Oh, Bowden's at it again!" when I share some website or tech tool.  At least if you feel that way, I won't see your eyes roll or hear your grumbles!