Here is a listing of the documents I've created. Download and enjoy, but please remember to give credit where credit is due!
40 Book Challenge - cover sheet, log sheet, genre definitions, and genre tally sheet
AR Goals - Google Form/Spreadsheet that collects data as goals are set. Referenced in this post.
CAFE Goals - Google Form/Spreadsheet that collects data as goals are set. Referenced in this post.
Desk Reference - Contains the test taking strategies I teach my students, as well as basic info about author's purpose, genres, etc.
Elements of Literature by Month - stories from the textbook, basically a revised table of contents (I'm not using every story in the text and not in order)
Individual Conference Record - use this to record anecdotal notes during Reading Workshop/Individual Reading Conferences. I'm going to have 3 binders - 1 per block - with sections for each student. Each student will have a copy of this. I'll use it to document conferences.
Reading Conference Record - Same as above, in Google Form/Spreadsheet format. Referenced in this post.
Reading Groups Bookmarks - Someone online mentioned giving students a bookmark each day so they know what to do during each rotation. I played with this idea and created my own. Still not sure if I'll use it - how would you pass it out? Seems simpler to just post a chart!
Reading Notebook Information Sheet - Collects EOG, RTI, and IRI info on each student, also has a place to record AR and CAFE goals. Still deciding if I'll use a binder or copy it into Evernote.
Reading Plans - outlines the rotation that will be followed and what will be done at each station.
Reading Street Practice Book pages by skill - I have almost 200 RS practice books and no textbooks. I went page by page and made a list of all the skills and page numbers. This way I can still use the pages (and save copies!)
Sixth Grade Reading Outline - describes my plans for 6th grade reading in 2011-2012 (Reading Street textbook)
Sixth Grade Reading Outline Revised - same as above, but revised to reflect using Elements of Literature.
Student Data - Google Form/Spreadsheet for collecting info on test scores, etc. Referenced in this post.
Weekly Focus Wall Sheet - I am using a focus wall to organize info for all 3 classes. At the beginning, students will fill this sheet out weekly when I introduce the focus wall. They will then glue it into their Reading notebook. By the end of September, I want most students to be drawing it directly into their notebooks.
See my Google Sites File Cabinet. (All these files are there, plus additional ones for 4th grade!)